Saturday, February 11, 2012

OOPS BACK Bad...I missed a few weeks. Since my last post there has been a few new cd's out. Lana Del Rey, Young Guns, The Fray and Van Halen. Alan Jackson has another new single out but still no word on when the new cd comes out.
There's been a few changes at HTR in the past few weeks, a few or to say 3 DJ's left for personal reason. But on a good note, there is going to be a few good changes with HotTrax Pulse...sometime in the next few weeks Pulse will be changing to HotTrax hopefully this will end the confusion for what kind of music will be playing on this stream.
Other than all that its been cool here in The Great White North going down to -40 at night, but yet still don't have a lot of, should I say it...snow.
Well that's all I can think of...yeah I don't over think too often..LOL

Take Care and be good to others


Monday, January 23, 2012

Another week...

Well I'm back for another week. Surprised? The weather here in the Great White North has been cold to say the least, -40 at night and some snow, can't see the grass now.
Not alot happening with new music, tho Bruce Springsteen hasa new single out called We Take Care Of Our Own, and a new cd out Mar 5. As always theres a few more new Country singles out from Rascal Flatts, Josh Turner and Neal McCoy.
For those of you that have seen the train layout in my basement will probably like to see the new buildings I have been working on, I'll try to get some pics posted on my FB.
Well guess that's all for this week, cya again next week.

Take Care and be good to others


Monday, January 16, 2012

WOW what a Year already

Well I haven't posted on here in a long while and I'm sorry I haven't, I should have. It was a wild year last year, a friend dear to me told me to move on and the Government is jacking me around again, I think they really like doing that.
Course the start of this year was very unexpected with my Mother passing on January 3rd. My friends ask me how I'm doing and of course I always say I'm fine, but we all know that isn't true. I dunno who said it but life does go on even if you don't think it will. Now I sit and wonder what do I do next, what is my purpose on this earth. This I do not know.
So I try to keep busy making models for the train layout, while I wait my fate with the Government. I will post pics on my Facebook, for those lucky enough to have it.
We have been luck this winter and it hasn't been that cold, ok I mean we haven't got much snow...LOL. It's been cold alright -30c more than a few nights, a few extra blankets tonight as its -25c, brrrrrrr.
I've also been trying to keep updating my music Tho sadly I still have 200GB+ of mostly classic rock to add. Hopefully someday I will get it all done. My biggest problem is it's so exciting to do I fall Not alot of new stuff coming out yet, but that will change soon I would think.
Well that's more than I thought I would type. I'm a thinker but not great with words. English class wasn't my best...LOL. So if you like music check out my programs on the hottraxradio website.

Take Care and be good to others

P.S. I will try to post once a week, tho I dunno who would be that interested in my babble.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Friday's Late Nite Cafe

Hey Folks

Just wanna thank all my loyal listeners of the "Late Nite Cafe". Once again my 2 hour show almost went 4 hours. Also a special thanks to Dan for hangin out till then end. I updated my playlist, so if you are looking for a song and it isn't on there, let me know. I've added the new U2 and Van Morrison, plus a load full of Country, too many to list.
Until next time when I actually get a thought hehe....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Country Stream

Hey there

I just wanna thank DJ-Sierra for hanging out with me in the Country Chat Room last night.

So now where are ALL the Country fans??

Once again it hit -30c here last night, brrrrr. I can't wait for Spring.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Welcome to my Blog

Ok First Post

Hmmm...well, I'm DJ-Ace, my friends call me Ace and you can hear me @ just check the schedule for times. I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. So especially during the winter I like to mention how cold it is. My friends in South USA can't get how cold it does get I'm retired so I have plenty of time to use my computer. I also do needlepoint to pass the time. I will try to post a few times a week, though I will probably get addicted to this too, lol.

New cd

Well it's been a long cold winter here up in the Ok well not the Arctic but it feels like it most days. My Dad was sick with a flu bug at the start of the month and my Brother and his Family just got over it. So I have my fingers crossed and even my toes, cause I sure don't want it. It's been a while since I posted anything. Been busy adding music and doing needlepoint.
Well it's finally here the forth cd for the band Hoobastank and most of the songs rock, I'll play some tomorrow night on The Late Nite Cafe show. Also I have the new cd from Bruce Springsteen called Working on a Dream. Which has on it the Golden Globe Award winning song The Wrestler.
I won't be doing my 2'Fer Sunday show this Sunday, Feb. 1. But I will be back on Tuesday on the Country Stream. Until next time when I actually get a thought hehe....

Friday, December 26, 2008


Hi there.
I hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas. I spend the day at my Brother's. It's been cold here for a few weeks, -38c on average, but its warmed up today to -14c. Suppose to get snow, 15 to 20 cms. Oh oops for my American friends that's 5.9 to 7.9 inches. Now lets see how right they will be.
On the radio side of things. I have updated my playlist today and of course added a few things, hehe. As for my Tuesday shows, I will still be on, but on the Country Stream, same time 9pm. Until next time, take care.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

This is Fun

I have changed a few things and now I'm ready to go. What do you all think of my picture?